Wednesday, November 07, 2007

to be or not to be on the face of the Earth

have you ever met a drug-addicted beautiful spirit living in the street? I have---in my line of work, I've met a few. More rare is one who is truly peaceful and takes responsibility for his/her actions. These people also exist, it's true. And when one of them becomes one of my students in the process of getting free from their addiction, it's hard not to want that for them---but it never works that way. Anything that I want for this person just messes them up more.
Like the one I've been working with lately, so hard not to want him to not have to suffer anymore. But what is the truth of his journey? Maybe he is too light for this place and though his spirit is scoping out the Earth, perhaps he will choose not to be anchored here. My encouraging him to succeed would be misguided, substituting a piece of my soul, my desire, for his.
The very deepest connotation that we have of human is to be humane. That is the human spirit---our offering to the universe. How does one become humane? Alas, how can it be done without experiencing inhumane? Having to change one to the other creates the energy of compassion again and again in a continual stream.
But this is brutal work sometimes, as we all know, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. So, my friend, using your drug addiction to shield yourself from the pain of this place, although suffering all the more living on the street and hungry, know that I will not wish you chained here unless you yourself accept those chains willingly. Be a bird of the night sky and fly free if that is where you truly want to be, beyond this garden of despair and hope, cruelty and love.
Terra/ Tara--- our earth is the embodiment of compassion. This is the Goddess/Spirit of our being here.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

the politics of abused children

Why did I ever let the MInistry of Children and Families convince me that I should call their "special" helpline to report abuse of children? It turns out that their commitment is to investigate within 30 days and they're not even managing within 90 days. Next time I'm calling the cops. That way children who are being physically or sexually assaulted will have the same rights as everyone else---to have the crimes against them investigated right away! I am not responsible for proving that a crime is being committed; that's up to those trained in law investigation and enforcement. As a citizen I simply have to report when I have good reason to believe a crime is being committed; it's the same as when I hear someone screaming in the middle of the night (or possibly day.)
Why did I ever believe it was O.K. for any government department to be the the only ones investigating their own decisions?

Monday, September 17, 2007

who's the alien now?

Out in space two alien forms are speaking with each other. The first spaceman says, "The dominant life forms on the earth planet have developed satellite-based weapons." The second alien, who looks exactly like the first, asks, "Are they an emerging intelligence?" The first spaceman says, "I don't think so...They have them aimed at themselves."

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Four and a half years ago I asked someone if he'd heard of a Swami Radha who I said was still with him (on a spiritual level.) I'd never heard of her; I thought Swami Radha was a man who was a teacher from/in India. Now I sleep with her most prized possession beside me. The level of synchronicity in my life demonstrates to me that there is definitely a level of organization beyond what we acknowledge in the society I grew up in.
the f word: forgiveness
The h word: heaven
Thank you for saving me from a broken heart
I miss you Bristol and Glastonbury and London too
Nicholas, Duck! Why didn't anyone see it coming?

Monday, April 30, 2007

wake up to your morning alarm!

Alarm: fear, panic, distress and that's the way we're cued to start our day, adrenal rush: will I make it, will I make it on time, will I be presentable? don't ever unwind until your ready to submerge your mind into unconsciousness at day's end.

Friday, February 09, 2007

and the opposite of hate is...

and while we're at it the root of all evil is....? Money? the lack of money?
or as a fellow writer of mine would have it: love is the root of all evil. His reasoning? If we didn't love, we wouldn't hate.
aahhh...but isn't that confusing desire with love...? I think that if we didn't desire power we wouldn't hate... so, possibly the intense desire for power that we shoudn't have (power over others) is the root of all evil and the cause of hate.... thus making contentment the opposite of hate.
I truly believe that love has no opposite
loneliness is not the opposite of love (if anything love lends itself to expression in loneliness), and separation is not the opposite of love (it's even been said that it increases love, or at least one's appreciation of love.)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

today like there's no tomorrow

that's how it is when the crux comes to bear, when the shit hits the fan, when the ball is in your court and comin' way too fast; this is how it is when the hard knocks of this is how it is according to you fall on your head
This is how it is when it is how I THINK IT IS

On the fourth night after the Ascenscion of St. Germaine to the central sun of causality for our solar system---synchro systems
Why am I not celebrating?
yeah, I am going to go sing and light a fire and do good things and think with my soul and not just my head
today like there's no tomorrow I need fear