Friday, February 09, 2007

and the opposite of hate is...

and while we're at it the root of all evil is....? Money? the lack of money?
or as a fellow writer of mine would have it: love is the root of all evil. His reasoning? If we didn't love, we wouldn't hate.
aahhh...but isn't that confusing desire with love...? I think that if we didn't desire power we wouldn't hate... so, possibly the intense desire for power that we shoudn't have (power over others) is the root of all evil and the cause of hate.... thus making contentment the opposite of hate.
I truly believe that love has no opposite
loneliness is not the opposite of love (if anything love lends itself to expression in loneliness), and separation is not the opposite of love (it's even been said that it increases love, or at least one's appreciation of love.)