Saturday, July 02, 2005

the existence of the universe

why does the universe exist? Theoretically matter and anti-matter would be created in equal amounts and cancel each other out...

Likewise, in terms that make more sense to me, chaos and destruction could easily equal order and creation (I know what you're thinking---destruction could easily outstrip creation, boom, boom, boom, but with nothing to destroy, destruction is lost...right? and I know I'm never supposed to have one long dash without another but you figure out where I could've inserted one cuz I don't know!) Or at the very least the universe would exist just as a blip---created, destroyed, created, destroyed, created...---and I have heard it seriously posited that this is what happens.

However, in any scenario, including our lives, I believe it is consciousness that makes the difference, that manages to shift the balance---consciousness creates a higher order or reality and consciousness is the urge within nothingness that always gives birth to somethingness.

Likewise, it seems to be that it is the process of consciousness (it should be a verb not a noun---consciousnessing, co-choice-sing?) that makes us capable of some level of free will (conscious co-operation in favour of consciousness or in the case of evil, not).

All that I am trying to say here is that without the hard work of consciousnesssing to create the joy, the zing, the clarity and understanding that consciousness brings nothing would exist or be worth existing for...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Making use of the universal intellect while dancing on the corona can make one become the flaming sword of TRUTH.

As you have thoughtful demonstrated, its use in article of serendipity with fortuitious scattering of MESSAGE.

Providing the hungery with the bread, fresh bread at that; so that neither the eater or the baker goes HOME...Hungery!