Sunday, April 24, 2005

aahhhh, am listening to Indian jazz,
just finished a bowl of homemade lentil soup cooked with my daughters,
side dish of favourite Middle Eastern pepper and eggplant spread.
now sucking an ouzo candy, drinking Salt Spring Island roasted coffee,
soon I will go outside and plant my pick of herbs and flowers---
grown for me by the labour of others, as my cosy, sunny house was built well for me---
if I decide not to do that then I will go watch the reds of sunset from the beach,
aaaahhhh, the life of a goddess is rich and rewarding,
tomorrow I will go to work and sit around and see who I can inspire....

and every Friday, when my weekly work is done, I go to drumming and chanting
where the bliss of the divine trickles like honey into my heart...

The leaves of spring are sap rising and spreading into the visible web of the tree of life,
each one a minature reminder for us that we belong here in this sun

Blessed Be

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

while the other pays the monthly goddess debit without getting goddessing