Thursday, April 14, 2005

here,back in the van city, and I am being asked to do a cleansing ritual again--- by a group of mostly aetheist artists. One of their group of friend/family/roommates took his own life at Easter. (Thay are planning a wonderfully creative and loving memorial over which I will preside.)
Lo, and behold, I remember that I was given just such a cleansing ritual in a book by Robin Skelton, my dear friend the poetry professor who was also a practising witch. (Beware of accepting an invitation to a glass of wine in the faculty club; you never know where it will lead...)
And I had the honour and benefit of watching Musqueam Elder Vince Stogan do a cleansing ritual yearly of the F.N. college where I taught.
So, perhaps it is my turn...

1 comment:

sasha said...

my feeling is generally that we learn skills like that for a reason -- because not everyone has the sensitivity to be able to -- so for those of us who can, there is an element of responsibility.